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106 -108 Emmett Street, Shirley, Christchurch, New Zealand
Church Life

ESCC Home Groups
‘And let us consider how we can spur one another on to love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more
as you see ‘the Day’ approaching.’
Hebrews 10.24-25
ESCC Home Groups exist primarily to enable deep, committed community in the Church. The four main building blocks of a Home Group are seen as: Friendship, Learning, Outreach and Worship
Home Groups are a place where people connect and where nobody is left to stand alone in whatever they may be facing. They are the basis on which the command of Jesus to 'love one another' is worked out in reality. Not just with talk but also in action. It is where relationships develop and where discipleship takes place in an ongoing, relational manner.
Gilbert Bilezikian wrote:
'For contemporary Christians, to meet regularly in small groups is not an option or a luxury. It is a biblical mandate they must obey if they want to experience communal life, and if their churches are to become biblically functioning communities'
At ESCC Home Groups are an important part of Church life.

For the Children
A parents room where little ones can play is available during the church service. Parents are able to see the service in progress and hear through the relayed sound system.
We have a Sunday School programme for primary school aged children that runs each Sunday during the last part of the church service. The children leave during the service to attend a wonderful programme that includes a story from the Bible, craft activities and games.
We love to involve children in the church services. We have a Children’s message during the service every other Sunday. The children also like to take part in special services during the year, and it has become a tradition for them to put together a whole service each Christmas
There are also times when we meet outside of Sundays for special children’s events.

Prayer Meeting
This meeting is held on the third Tuesday of each month. The long term aim is to establish a number of similar prayer groups in various homes in order to maintain a strong foundation to the ministry of the Church. The meeting lasts for around one hour and is aimed at addressing specific issues that are in need of God’s intervention locally, nationally and globally.
Prayer is essential to the life of the Church and is the way in which we work together with God to see His Kingdom come and His will done on Earth as in Heaven.
As Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote:Â
‘More things are wrought by Prayer than this World dreams of’
We believe those words to be true and that...
‘The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous person makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].’
James 5.16 Amp
Please feel free to join us.
If you have any enquiries regarding these aspects of ESCC, please do not hesitate to contact the Church office.
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